Sunday, March 23, 2014


We're always the friendliest faces at a metal show.
I promised I would explain the blog's title, although many of our closest family and friends have surely detected that it is simply a play on words. However, here's what I think it could mean, if you want a prettier, metaphorical answer.

When I picture my married friends and myself, I kind of see a vast expanse of desert or empty land between us. They are on the other side of this space, married and done with their planning and their honeymoons and practicing Life As Normal. They have a lot of wedding knowledge on Their Side, piled up like mountains of Bed Bath and Beyond registry gifts wrapped in white and dark purple. Ben and I are far, far away from The Married, and at times it feels like there is an insurmountable space to traverse before we reach them and join them. The blog is the journey between The Married... and Me. Well, us. Just go with it. I'll save my "the wedding is NOT all about the bride" rant for another time.

The real explanation is that Ben and I initially bonded on an airport shuttle after discovering we both liked the progressive metal band Between the Buried and Me. Our relationship was founded on music and it continues to play a fundamental role in our lives. Simple as that. :-)

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